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Tips on Cleaning Teeth and Baby's Gums that Mother Needs to Know

Although only a few baby teeth grow, it is important to maintain baby's teeth and gums health early. This habit will determine his oral health until later. Yuk Mother, look at habits that can interfere with oral health, and how to clean the baby's mouth. Baby teeth or baby teeth function to help babies learn to talk and chew. Poor oral health carries the risk of causing gingivitis or gum infection which can lead to the distance between permanent teeth later.

Start Cleaning Early

Baby teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth. Generally, baby teeth begin to grow between the ages of 4-7 months, starting with the two front teeth. But maintaining oral health actually needs to start with cleaning the baby's mouth even when he hasn't teething. Here are ways to clean baby's teeth and gums as a guide:
  • Clean the gums and teeth with a soft, wet cloth

  • Wipe the gums each time the baby has finished eating with a clean, soft, wet cloth. Can also use gauze wrapped around the fingers. Do this at least twice a day after the baby is teething, can also be done before going to sleep. The aim is to clean the bacteria from the baby's mouth which can cause plaque and diseases of the teeth and gums.
  • Use the right toothbrush

  • Replace the use of a damp cloth with a toothbrush, if the teeth have started a lot. Choose a baby toothbrush with a soft brush, a small head, and a large handle so it is easy to hold. Mother can brush her teeth, until she is able to brush her own teeth. Just use a toothbrush soaked with clean water, until it reaches the age of 3, then introduce the use of toothpaste.
  • Avoid putting the baby to sleep with a milk bottle

  • Many parents who give a bottle of milk to help your child sleep, and leave it in the baby's mouth during sleep, for fear of waking him. Pacifiers that are still in the mouth while sleeping are more at risk of causing cavities, and can trigger the growth of bacteria in the mouth. In addition, over time the baby will also depend on the bottle for comfort.
  • Always clean baby pacifiers regularly

  • Don't forget to clean the pacifiers regularly. It's best to stop using a pacifier after he is 2 years old, and teach your child not to suck the thumb. Because both are at risk of causing teeth to become uneven.
  • Give mineral water

  • If you have reached the age of one year, give mineral water or fresh milk in between the meals, to replace milk with extra flavoring or fruit juice that is high in sugar in the packaging. Mineral water can help rinse leftover food left over in his teeth and mouth.
  • Look at the condition of the baby's teeth

  • See if there are holes in baby's teeth, watch out for discoloration of teeth, both marked with white dots, brownish, or blackish. Avoid giving medication yourself to the baby, it is advisable to consult a dentist to get the appropriate treatment.
Not only determines oral health, but dental health also determines the development of the baby's jaws. We recommend that you check your child's dental health to the dentist early. Take this opportunity to consult about oral health, for example regarding thumb sucking habits. Also immediately see a pediatrician, if the baby has a fever, vomiting, or other symptoms, after biting certain objects.


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