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Find Out How To Prevent Tooth Decay in Children

Rotten teeth in children not only irritate the little smile Little One, but also can cause discomfort. Therefore, let's, prevent decayed teeth in children from an early age. Tooth decay in children can occur if your child is not accustomed to maintaining oral health from an early age. If left unchecked, bacteria and food scraps attached to the teeth will increase the risk of children's cavities becoming damaged and rotting.

Ways to Prevent Tooth Decay in Children

Poor nutrition, wrong way of brushing teeth, and poor eating and drinking habits can increase the risk of tooth decay in children who can develop into rotten teeth. To prevent tooth decay in children, you can try the following ways:

1. Teach children to brush their teeth properly

The first thing you can do to prevent tooth decay in children is to teach it as early as possible how to brush your teeth properly. Mother can begin to get your child to brush her teeth from the age of 1 year or as soon as she is able to dispose of saliva. Mothers are advised to brush their teeth twice a day, after breakfast and before bed, 30 seconds to 1 minute each time to brush their teeth. Don't forget to use special children's toothpaste containing fluoride, Bun!

2. Limit consumption of sweet foods or drinks

In addition to increasing the risk of children becoming obese, consuming too many sweet foods or drinks, such as chocolate, sweets, and sof drinks, also makes your child more at risk of tooth decay and decay. The more often you eat sweet foods, the working of saliva, which acts as a natural tooth cleaner, will decrease. Therefore, Mother is recommended to reduce the frequency of your baby eating sweet foods.

3. Teach children to rinse

The rest of the food or sugar attached to the surface of the teeth will damage the tooth layer. So, invite your child to rinse his mouth with water after eating sweet and sticky foods and drinks. If the child is more than 1 year old, he has begun to be taught to drink directly from an ordinary glass. This method is useful to help rinse leftovers and sugar that sticks to the surface of the teeth and mouth.

4. Avoid letting the child sleep while sucking on a bottle or picking up food in the mouth

Leaving children to sleep in a position to suck a bottle or still suck the food in the mouth can increase the risk of children experiencing tooth decay, ear infections, and even choking. Therefore, you need to make sure your child has finished eating and drinking before going to sleep, and remove the bottle or pacifier from his mouth when he sleeps.

5. Visit a dentist to have your child's teeth checked regularly

So that the child's dental health can be maintained properly, Mother is also recommended to regularly check the condition of your baby's dental health to the dentist. This is useful to repair tooth decay as early as possible. Mother is advised to take your child to the dentist every 6 months. Come on, prevent rotten teeth in children early on with a number of ways above. If your teeth appear to be disturbed, do not hesitate to check with your dentist, Mother.


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